This website was created during a 24 hour website building challenge for non-profits, called Website Thru The Nite. These are the hardworking volunteers that created the Yorktown Council for the Arts

Thank you

Yorktown Arts

Please get to know our volunteers, we asked them a series of questions.

1.) What is your name?
2.) What is your major or occupation?
3.) What are you most excited about for Website Thru the Nite?
4.) What your favorite pizza toppings?
5.) If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
6.) Is there a nonprofit organization that has made a difference in your life? What and why?
7.) If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring one thing with you, what would you bring?
8.) Are you a MAC or PC?
9.) If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only eat pizza for the rest of your life, what toppings would you want on it?
10.) If your answer to #9 was different from your answer to #4, why would you lie to us? That hurts. That really hurts.


Lucas Miller
English, Creative Writing
I’m excited to put together a great website for the client.
Teleportation because walking everywhere is lame.
My dog.

Hannah Bihn
English, creative writing
The creative process which in the end, will be of great service to this non-profit.
I’m a simple girl. Peperoni or just cheese.
To teleport. Think of all the time you could save! The places you would go!
Cancer association of Mercer County – they helped pay for my mom’s medical bills when she had cancer.
If outlets nearby – a laptop.
I should probably go with a healthier choice but probably pepperoni so if I felt like cheese, I could pick them off.
BUT, presumably, if I’m on a desert island, there’s no oven right? Am I being sent pizza by drones? Why don’t they pick me up? Am I cooking frozen pizza over a fire? How is the pizza keeping frozen? Am I staying on a desert island with a fully functional home? Logistics. I need to know!

Jenna Wilson
BSU – Creative Writing
Watching the websites come to fruition.
Water bending (like Avatar the last air bender)
A pillow for comfy sleeping.
Pepperoni, any type of meat really and some veggies like bell peppers.
I’ll need more protein and other nutrients if I were stranded on an island.

Keith Jackson
English – creative writing
To see our completed work and how our nonprofit likes it.
Bacon! Bacon on everything.
Batman needs no super powers.

PC – master race
Bacon! How many times must I say that?
BACON! Hot sizzling bacon.

Cameron Cole
Helping an organization in the community have a great website.
Teleportation, makes getting places a lot easier.
The bible

Tera Moore
English Literature
Seeing the final website
Chicken Alfredo pizza is the best pizza.
I would want to be an animal whisperer so I could be friends with humans and animals.
Out of darkness.
A magical book that changes stories once finished.
See #4
See #9

Blake Lehr
English Studies
Socializing/helping out a great cause.
Ham and bacon.
Epworth Forest, camp REYOAD – a camp for individuals with special needs – has completely changed my view on life. My experience as a counselor will always be integral to my growth as an individual.
A GPS Phone.
Bacon and Ham
Mine is the same, but different. I can play games too.